test your friend how much he looks like you

You want to know how much your friend looks likes you?!! ... then this game for you

It's a common occurrence to hear people say that they have a twin or a doppelganger somewhere in the world, but it's not often that we come across someone who looks so similar to us that it's almost uncanny. My friend is one of those rare cases.

When I first met my friend, I couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between us. We have the same facial structure, the same hair color and texture, and even the same mannerisms. It's as if we were separated at birth and somehow ended up in the same place at the same time.

People often mistake us for siblings, and it's not uncommon for strangers to do a double take when they see us together. We've even been stopped on the street by people who are convinced that we're related.

It's not just our physical similarities that make us look alike, it's also our taste in fashion. We both have a love for classic, timeless pieces and tend to dress in a similar style. We often find ourselves reaching for the same items in our closets and have been known to show up to events wearing matching outfits without even planning it.

Despite the similarities, we are still our own unique individuals. We have different interests and personalities, but it's always fun to play off of the similarities and have a good laugh about it.

In a world where everyone is unique, it's a rare and special experience to have a friend who looks so much like you. It's a friendship that I treasure and I know that it's one that will last a lifetime.

Questions count: 11

Example of the test


Which kind of apple do you prefer?

Green Green Red Red Yellow Yellow Black Black


How do you dink your caffee?

With sugar No sugar I don't drink caffee


If you find money in the street?

I take it up I don't touch it I take it and deliver it to police


Which season do you prefer?

Summer Summer Spring Spring Winter Winter Fall Fall


Which Pet do you prefer?

Rabbit Rabbit Cat Cat Flying squirrel Flying squirrel Bird Bird Hamster Hamster Dog Dog

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