Test your general information - part one

It's great if you had wide general knowladge base... it may helps you in so many situations... or maybe it would be great for your children when they ask you randomly about something and you have the answer for it... here you'll find general questions that test your culture in various areas of life and science.

Questions count: 14

Example of the test

Animal most bearing thirst

What is the most thirst-resist animal?

Camel Giraffe Turtle Horse

Black Sea

What is the name of the narrow that connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara?

Bosphorus Strait Strait of Hormuz Bab al-Salam Strait Strait of Gibraltar

The first battle in Islam

How much water do we have in our bodies? (for adults)

65% 50% 55% 70% 60%

The Electric Lightbulb

Choose the name of the inventor of the light bulb.

Alexander Graham Bell Leonardo da Vinci Thomas Edison Albert Einstein

Colors of the rainbow

How many colors does rainbow has?

7 colors 3 colors 5 colors 10 colors

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