IQ Test totally free

IQ = Intelligence Quotient, it measures total degree of intelligence from several standard tests designed to represent human intelligence. The psychologist William Stern was the first to put the abbreviation IQ as a term to express the method of measurement in intelligence tests at the University of Wroclaw, which he supported in his book published in 1912, and we ask A lot about our intelligence rate and its ratio, it is good to take such a test that will determine your IQ ... Are you ready to take this test and answer its questions?

Test your brain intelligence capabilities and have fun! ... this test examine your skills to solve problems, find patterns, logic, etc...

Questions count: 30

Example of the test

Doesn't belong5

Which verbs dosen't belong to the group?

Touches Eat See Smell Listen

Doesn't belong4

Which of the following phrases does not belong to the group?

Article Story Contents Research Clasor

Similarities between

Which of the following five numbers represent the best comparison?

If the similarity between YYZZZYZZY and 221112112 is the same as the similarity between YYZZYZZY and:

221221122 22112122 212211212 22112112 112212211


The shopkeeper returned 59 dollars to customer as eleven pieces of money, three of them has the same value, what is the value of these three pieces?

$1 $5 $10 $25 $50

Doesn't belnog2

Which of the following figures does not belong to the group?

14-1 14-1 14-2 14-2 14-3 14-3 14-4 14-4 14-5 14-5

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