Find out what role in anime suits you!

Anime, with its diverse characters and captivating storylines, offers a vast array of roles that viewers can relate to or aspire to embody. From brave heroes to complex villains, each character plays a crucial role in shaping the narrative and engaging the audience. In this article, we will delve into the various roles found in the world of anime and help you discover which role suits you best.

The Heroic Protagonist

One of the most iconic roles in anime is that of the heroic protagonist. These characters often possess qualities such as courage, determination, and a strong sense of justice. They embark on epic journeys, face formidable challenges, and ultimately strive to save the world or achieve a noble goal. Examples of heroic protagonists include Goku from "Dragon Ball," Naruto from "Naruto," and Luffy from "One Piece."

The Complex Anti-Hero

In contrast to the traditional hero, the anti-hero is a character who possesses both heroic and villainous traits. They often struggle with inner conflicts, moral ambiguity, and a dark past. Despite their flaws, anti-heroes can be compelling and relatable, adding depth to the storyline. Characters like Vegeta from "Dragon Ball Z," Sasuke from "Naruto," and Light Yagami from "Death Note" exemplify the complexity of anti-heroes in anime.

The Loyal Sidekick

Sidekicks play a crucial role in supporting the protagonist and adding comic relief or emotional depth to the narrative. They are often loyal, dependable, and provide valuable assistance during challenging situations. Sidekicks like Ron Weasley from "Naruto," Happy from "Fairy Tail," and Chopper from "One Piece" bring a sense of camaraderie and friendship to the story.

The Mysterious Villain

Villains in anime come in various forms, from ruthless overlords to cunning masterminds. They serve as formidable adversaries to the protagonists, challenging their beliefs and pushing them to their limits. Mysterious villains like Aizen from "Bleach," Madara from "Naruto," and Frieza from "Dragon Ball Z" add intrigue and suspense to the plot, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.

The Romantic Lead

Romantic leads in anime often embody qualities such as passion, vulnerability, and emotional depth. They engage in complex relationships, experience heart-wrenching moments, and evoke a sense of longing and desire in the audience. Characters like Inuyasha from "Inuyasha," Usui from "Kaichou wa Maid-sama," and Zero from "Vampire Knight" capture the essence of romantic leads in anime.

The Wise Mentor

Mentor characters play a vital role in guiding and shaping the protagonist's journey. They offer wisdom, guidance, and valuable life lessons, helping the protagonist grow and overcome challenges. Wise mentors like Jiraiya from "Naruto," All Might from "My Hero Academia," and Kakashi from "Naruto" inspire and motivate the main characters, imparting valuable knowledge and support.


In the world of anime, characters come in all shapes and sizes, each fulfilling a unique role that contributes to the overall narrative. Whether you resonate with the brave hero, the complex anti-hero, the loyal sidekick, or any other character archetype, there is a role for everyone to connect with in the vast and diverse world of anime. By exploring these roles and understanding their significance, you can gain insight into your own personality and discover which role suits you best in the captivating realm of anime.

Anime characters not only entertain but also reflect aspects of our own personalities and aspirations. Whether you see yourself as a courageous hero, a conflicted anti-hero, a loyal companion, or a mysterious villain, there is a character archetype that resonates with you. By exploring the diverse roles in anime, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and find inspiration in the captivating stories and characters that populate this vibrant world.

What do you think about a fun and entertaining quiz that reveals the role you could play in the world of anime? In this quiz, we will ask you some questions, and based on your answers, we will determine the most suitable role for you! Good luck!

Remember, these results are just for fun and don't define your true role in the world of anime!

Questions count: 13

Example of the test

Which anime villain do you love to hate?
Which anime villain do you love to hate?

Which anime villain do you love to hate?

The ruthless and cunning overlord The manipulative and scheming anti-hero The silly and bumbling sidekick

Which anime superpower do you wish you had in real life?
Which anime superpower do you wish you had in real life?

Which anime superpower do you wish you had in real life?

The ability to fly or teleport The power to control the elements or cast spells The skill to create or repair anything with your hands

What is your preferred anime art style?
What is your preferred anime art style?

What is your preferred anime art style?

Realistic and detailed Stylized and exaggerated Cute and simple

Which anime opening sequence do you love to watch over and over again?
Which anime opening sequence do you love to watch over and over again?

Which anime opening sequence do you love to watch over and over again?

The dramatic and action-packed intros The emotional and romantic openings The fun and upbeat intros

Which anime sidekick do you want to be best friends with?
Which anime sidekick do you want to be best friends with?

Which anime sidekick do you want to be best friends with?

The loyal and reliable companion The wise and knowledgeable mentor The quirky and energetic sidekick

Tell your friends

Shared: 23

