Exam your self how much you know about cats

Cats, cats, cats ... They're everywhere and most of us love them very much ... cats share us our life from thousand of years... cats play, eat, sleep, get sad and get happy with us...

We probably know a lot about cats ...Well let's see! ... This is a small quiz, on the types of cats and some information about cats..

Questions count: 17

Example of the test

Savannah cat

Wich cat is a Savannah cat?

a a b b c c

Cat's heart
Cat's heart

How many times per minute a kitten's heart beats?

160-200 70-80 200-250 90-100

Siamese cat

Which cat is a Siamese cat?

a a b b c c


Who is this cat?

Chinchilla cat Scottish Fold cat Egyiptian Mau cat Van cat

Bengal cat

Wich cat is a Bengal cat?

a a b b c c

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